Drissa 1 puurauk
Nimi Drissa 1 puurauk
Number 1
Tüüp puurauk
Riik Valgevene
Lat 55.776963
Long 27.932606
Koordinaatide täpsus 1-10 km
Koord. meetod Google Maps
Koord. määraja Aaloe, Aasa
Asukoha kirjeldus Põhja-Valgevene, Zapadnaja Dvina kaldal
Kirje lisatud 2005-05-17
Kirje muudetud 2018-08-27
Kleesment, 2009b
Roundness and surface features of quartz grains in Middle Devonian deposits of the East Baltic and their palaeogeographical implications
72, 78
Pushkin, 2002
Middle Ordovician bryozoa from the Podlasie-Brest Depression (Belarussian part): suborders Ceramoporina, Esthonioporina, Amplexoporina, Halloporina
Kleesment, 1998a
Authigenic overgrowths of detrital feldspar grains in the Devonian sequence of the East Baltic
Kurshs, 1992
Devonian terrigenous sedimentation in the Main Devonian Field
26, 53
Valiukevičius et al., 1986
Korrelâciâ i organičeskie ostatki otloženij narovskogo gorizonta
Valiukevičius, 1985
Akantody narovskogo gorizonta Glavnogo devonskogo polâ
Valiukevičius, 1985
Akantody narovskogo gorizonta Glavnogo devonskogo polâ
Lashkov et al., 1983
Stratigraphy of the Arenig and Llanvirn (Latorp-Lasnamägi Stages) of East-Lithuania and North-West Byelorussia
Kleesment, 1977, välipäevik 35
Välipäevik nr 35: Shkaune, Bogushevsk, Drissa, Kraslava, Zazporki? puurauk
Kurshs, 1975
Lithology and mineral resources of the terrigenous Devonian of the Main Devonian field
8, 16, 26asukoht kaardil; 100-300m Devon; 250-330 m Alam-Eiffel