Tagasi otsingusse
Alexander, 1981

Predation scars preserved in Chesterian brachiopods: Probable culprits and evolutionary consequences for the articulates

Alexander, R. R.
Raamatu pealkiri originaalpale
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) brachiopods from the Confusion Range of west-central Utah display repaired and unrepaired damaged valves attributable to attacks by shell-crushing sharks. Most diagnostic are tetrahedron-shaped indentations. The scars are situated anteriorly or laterally and only infrequently posteriorly. The predators were not species-selective among the common brachiopods except for a possibly epiplanktic rhynchonellid and chonetids which lack scars. Size-selectivity cannot be documented. Missisippian brachiopod taxa minimized loss to these predators by evolutionary development of large valves, spinosity, plication, cementation, quasi-infaunal mode of life or a continuously enlarging pedicle opening to facilitate strong pedicle attachment

Viimati muudetud: 20.1.2020
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