Tagasi otsingusse
Hunt et al., 2013

Triassic Vertebrate Coprolite ichnofaunas

Hunt, A. P., Lucas, S. G., Klein, H.
AjakiriNew Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Bulletin
Tüüpartikkel kogumikus


There is an abundant record of vertebrate coprolites in the Triassic. The Early Triassic record is quitelimited and occurs only in Europe, Australia and South Africa. The distribution of coprolites in the Middle Triassicis worldwide, with occurrences in the USA, South Africa, Russia, Kazakhstan, Argentina, Brazil, India, Poland,Slovenia, Germany, England, France, Switzerland, Italy and China. The Late Triassic sample size is the largest,with records in the USA, Greenland, England, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Madagascar, India, Brazil,Morocco and South Africa. The majority of Late Triassic coprolites are from the Chinle Group and NewarkSupergroup in North America and the Rhaetic bonebeds in Europe. Santamariacopros elongatus ichnogen etichnosp. nov. and Rhynchocopros soutoi ichnogen et ichnosp. are new ichnotaxa of coprolites of herbivores fromthe Middle Triassic Santa Maria Formation of Brazil.

Viimati muudetud: 19.9.2021
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