Tagasi otsingusse
Bather, 1889

The Cystidea of Bohemia

Bather, F. A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


To few is it given to accomplish the life-work that they have planned. Joachim Barrande, vast though his self-ordained task was, came nearer to his goal than do most men. Before the death of the venerable author in 1883, he had made some way with the last volume of the colossal “Système Silurien du Centre de la Bohême.” The present work was destined to form the first section of Volume VII., “Echinodermes du Système Silurien.” The plates were ready, the general portion of the work written and partly printed, and, on his death-bed, Barrande was still tracing out the descriptions of genera and species. The book has been completed by Dr. W. Waagen, who was appointed, in Barrande's will, editor of this volume. His admirable preface is rendered of practical value by the insertion of a complete list of Barrande's writings from 1846 to 1881.

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