Tagasi otsingusse
Thomka et al., 2018

Arthrophycus as a mimic of crinoid column impressions in the lower Silurian of central Kentucky, USA

Nieto-Albert, L.-M., Reolid, M., Rodríguez‑Tovar, F. J., Castro, J. M. Molina, J. M., Ruiz‑Ortiz, P. A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Unusual specimens of an ichnofossil, herein ascribed to Arthrophycus, are described from siltstone tempestites in the lower Silurian (Llandovery, Telychian) Estill Shale near Irvine, Estill County, central Kentucky, USA. The specimens display closely spaced, uncurved transverse annulations, but lack the medial ridge, rectangular cross‐sectional shape and dense branching typical of common Silurian Arthrophycus ichnospecies. This combination of features, coupled with the straightness of burrows and alignment parallel to inorganic tool marks, closely approximates the appearance of moulds of partially articulated crinoid columns (= pluricolumnals) that were impressed into firm mud and cast by storm‐deposited sediment. That these structures do not represent the external moulds of body fossils is suggested by minor width variations along the long axis of specimens, possible bioglyphs and the total absence of skeletal material, including isolated crinoid columnals, in this and other tempestites from this interval. More convincingly, the presence of very sparse branching indicates a trace fossil origin for these structures. These fossils are best interpreted as the products of preferential mining of inorganically generated tool marks by deposit feeders, owing to exposure of more organic‐rich muds by erosional scouring. Thus, this occurrence represents a rare instance in which trace fossils display a strong alignment parallel to inorganic sedimentary structures

Viimati muudetud: 18.10.2022
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