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Engelhardt & Hofmann, 2012

The Early Cambrian Ichnogenus Syringomorpha from Geschiebes of Northern Germany I

Engelhardt, G., Hofmann, R.
AjakiriArchiv für Geschiebekunde
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Here we present a detailed morphologic description of Syringomorpha-Spreiten including the introduction of new descriptive terms. These terms allow a more detailed characte-rization and therefore a better differentiation between the morphotypes. After examination of 180 lower Cambrian sandstone geschiebes with 584 Syringomorpha trace fossils it turned out that Spreiten with a frond-shaped habitus represent the most abundant morphotype. Within this frond-shaped Spreiten-morphotype forms with a channel-shaped lining are dominant with 98% compared to forms with a tube-shaped lining. For a successful up or down determination differ-ent criteria are given and the trace fossil Syringomorpha is recognized as a useful indicator for the correct orientation of geschiebes as well taking its characteristic morphology into account. Based on thin sections the lithology of Syringomorpha-bearing geschiebes was examined using a light- and polarization microscope. After extensive revision of literature data it seems that Syringomorpha is restricted, with one possible exception (Argentina), to the paleocontinental lower Cambrian strata of Baltoscandia. For the first time ichnocoenosis of Syringomorpha to-gether with Monocraterion, Diplocraterion, Planolites, Skolithos and Gyrolithes are described in detail.

Viimati muudetud: 5.10.2019
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