Tagasi otsingusse
Abdel-Fattah et al., 2011

Significance of hypoburrow nodule formation associated with large biogenic sedimentary structures in open-marine bay siliciclastics of the Upper Eocene Birket Qarun Formation, Wadi El-Hitan, Fayum, Egypt

Abdel-Fattah, Z. A., Gingras, M. K., Pemberton, S. G.
AjakiriSedimentary Geology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Unusually large biogenic sedimentary structures from the shallow quiescent-marine siliciclastics of the Upper Eocene Birket Qarun Formation in the Fayum area of Egypt display pronounced concretion formation around the trace fossils. The structures are massive, and vary morphologically, forming branched pillars (up to dmscale), vertical (up to 180 cm height) amphora-like masses, and 3-D box-work “maze”. Bioturbation, mainly Thalassinoides attributable to the Glossifungites ichnofacies, mediated and modified the physical and chemical microenvironments influencing early diagenesis; i.e., burrows promote the precipitation of pervasive calcitedominated cement. The inferred paragenesis, combined with the negative (light) carbon and oxygen stableisotopic values of the bulk calcite (δ13CPDB from −0.94 to −4.98‰ and δ18OPDB from −4.63 to −7.22‰) and bulk dolomite (δ13CPDB from −2.05 to −8.23‰ and δ18OPDB from −1.41 to −11.20‰), imply that the porewater carbon was derived directly from seawater and dissolution of metastable carbonate, which was mediated by bacterial decomposition of organic matter and mixing of meteoric ground water. Thereby, the carbonate cement precipitated mostly under eodiagenetic conditions near the sediment/water interface (b~3 min depth). The distribution of these structures is confined to parasequence-bounding flooding surfaces (generally expressed as transgressive surfaces of erosion). Notably, sedimentological, ichnological and paragenetic data can be related to stratigraphic evolution such that geochemical and textural evidence is distinctly associated with (1) early cementation of the host sandstone during highstands of relative sea level, (2) the formation of firmgrounds during low relative sea level, (3) the development of a Glossifungitesdemarcated discontinuity during initial relative sea-level rise, and (4) continued cementation with rising relative sea level. This was followed by burial diagenesis, evidence for which is derived from petrographic and isotopic data.

Viimati muudetud: 25.9.2022
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