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Chamberlain, 1977

Ordovician and Devonian trace fossils from Nevada

Chamberlain, C. K.
AjakiriNevada Bureau of Mines and Geology. Bulletin
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Twenty- eight species of trace fossils from Nevada are described in this paper. Fifteen species are from the Ordovician Vinini and Palmetto Formations and tectonically interleaved Devonian strata of central and southwestern Nevada and comprise a Nereites association in an eugeoclinal facies. This contrasts to 18-19 species of trace fossils from the Ordovician and Devonian miogeoclinal rocks of central Nevada comprising Skolithos, Cruziana, and Zoophycos associations. Five-six species are common to both the miogeoclinal and the eugeoclinal facies. Saerichnites variolatus is a new species consisting of a trail of subcircular depressions, and has been found in the Eureka Quartzite. Teichichnus repandus is a new species from the Devils Gate Limestone and consists of Teichichnus in a U-shaped plan pattern. Tomaculum is the commonly used name for fecal-filled burrows but Alcyonidiopsis not only has priority , it is the name for the burrow and not the pellets. Chondrites recurvs (Brongniart and Agardh) and Chondrites targionii (Brongniart) are two of the most common Chondrites and are senior synonyms for several of the approximately I 70 purported species of Chondrites, Muensteria, Megagrapton , Strobilorhaphe, "Zonarites ", and Alcyonidiopsis were previously known mainly from Mesozoic -Cenozoic flysch of Europe but are found in the eugeoclinal facies in Nevada. The other genera and species are new occurrences for central Nevada.

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