Tagasi otsingusse
Blom et al., 2003

A new birkeniid anaspid from the Upper Silurian of Skåne, south Sweden

Blom, H., Märss, T., Miller, C. G.
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A new anaspid, Ramsaasalepis porosa gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Upper Silurian Öved-Sandstone Formation at Ramsåsa, Skåne, south Sweden. Ramsaasalepis is based on a number of disarticulated scales and plates, characterised by its ridge-like scale sculpture with fine lateral ridgelets. Its histology is also unique, with a well-developed vascular canal system that differs from that of all other known birkeniid anaspids. Ramsaasalepis is probably closest related to Septentrionia Blom, Märss & Miller 2002 and Tahulalepis Blom, Märss & Miller 2002 based mainly on the ridged scale sculpture, well-developed vascular canal system and stratigraphical range. The refined fossil record of anaspids is discussed, emphasising on the recognition of morphological trends that correlates badly with previously suggested phylogenies.

Viimati muudetud: 8.12.2022
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