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Hanken et al., 2012

Late Pleistocene-early Holocene polychaete borings in NE Spitsbergen and their palaeoecological and climatic implications: an example from the Basissletta area

Hanken, N.-M., Uchman, A., Lennart, J. S.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Limestone and dolomite bedrock surfaces, together with blocks derived from these underlying bedrocks, at Basissletta, NE Spitsbergen, contain Late Pleistocene–early Holocene, shallow-marine, spionid polychaete borings Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, Caulostrepsis contorta Bromley & D'Alessandro, and Maeandropolydora isp. The borings occur about 9–78 m above present sea level, and this is the northernmost known occurrence of these trace fossils. 14C dating of wood, whalebone and bivalves in the vicinity and in neighbouring areas indicates that the borings have a radiocarbon age spanning from about 7 to 11 ka. Recent borings of these ichnotaxa have not been found in the sea around Spitsbergen. The presence of the fossil borings indicates that invasion of boring polychaetes to the northern part of the Barents Sea region was limited to a Late Pleistocene–early Holocene temperature optimum. The presence of Caulostrepsis and Maeandropolydora on subaerially exposed shallow-water Pleistocene–Holocene bedrock surfaces in arctic areas can be a valuable tool with which to evaluate both postglacial emergence and climatic oscillations because they indicate a summer surface water temperature of at least 8 °C.

Viimati muudetud: 5.1.2024
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