Tagasi otsingusse
Pemberton et al., 1992a

Ichnology and event stratigraphy: The use of trace fossils in recognizing tempestites

Pemberton, S. G., MacEachern, J. A., Ranger, M. J.
RaamatApplications of Ichnology to Petroleum Exploration: A Core Workshop. Pemberton, S. G. (Eds.)
KirjastusSociety for Sedimentary Geology
Tüüpartikkel kogumikus


Tempestites exhibit a characteristic suite of trace fossils that are related to the population strategies of benthic organisms. The general succession consists of: (a) a fairweather resident trace fossil suite; (b) a sharp basal contact, with or without a basal lag; (c) parallel to subparallel laminations (reflecting hummocky or swaley cross-stratification); (d) common escape structures; (e) the dwelling burrows of opportunistic organisms that colonize the unexploited storm unit; (f) gradational burrowed tops, representative of bioturbation resulting from subsequent burrowing by organisms from higher colonization levels; and (g) a fairweather resident trace fossil suite indicative of a return to quiescent conditions following storm abatement.

Viimati muudetud: 25.9.2022
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