Tagasi otsingusse
Kennedy, 1975

Trace fossils in carbonate rocks

Kennedy, W. J.
RaamatThe study of trace fossils
Toimetaja(d)Frey, R. W.
Kirjastuse kohtBerlin, Heidelberg
Kuulub kogumikkuFrey, 1975 (eds)
Tüüppeatükk raamatus


Most terrigenous clastic sequences have calcareous equivalents, and trace fossil suites well known from terrigenous clastic sediments have their counterparts in carbonates. Well-studied examples include trace fossils from situations in which carbonate fades predominate: the Bahaman-type shallow-water environment—as represented by European Mesozoic and tropical Pleistocene limestones; and pelagic ooze—as represented by shelf-sea and deep-sea chalks, the latter now available for study as a result of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In shallow water carbonates, trace fossil associations range from beach-shoal assemblages having Ophiomorpha, to Thalassinoides-Rhizocorallium-Chondrites-dominated intertidal and sub-in deep-sea chalks, a Zoophycos-Teichichnus-Chondrites association dominates. Special problems associated with carbonates are (1) the influence of penecontemporaneous cementation on trace-producing organisms, (2) hardgrounds, and (3) the role of organisms in the diagenesis of sediment: differential cementation, concretion formation, and aggregation into pelletal limestones.

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