Tagasi otsingusse
Donovan, 2003

A New Ichnospecies of Gastrochaenolites Leymerie from the Pleistocene Port Morant Formation of Southeast Jamaica and the Taphonomy of Calcareous Linings in Clavate Borings

Donovan, S.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The ichnospecies Gastrochaenolites pickerilli isp. nov. is based on ten borings found in a shell of the gastropod Strombus gigas Linné from the Pleistocene (Sangamonian) Port Morant Formation of southeast Jamaica. These borings bear morphological similarities to Gastrochaenolites torpedo Kelly and Bromley but differ from all other Gastrochaenolites ispp. in having prominent and numerous calcareous meniscate structures arrayed adjacent to one side of the boring. These menisci are concave towards the center of the boring and are the remnants of calcareous tubes that lined earlier boreholes, that the boring bivalve treated as part of the lithified substrate when relocating. They are thus evidence of the former positions of borings that, unusually, were breached as the bivalve migrated sideways. Although this was a common behavior for Gastrochaenolites-producing bivalves within this substrate, the reason for it occurring is uncertain.

Viimati muudetud: 24.11.2022
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