Tagasi otsingusse
Shillito & Gougeon, 2024

Identifying and accounting for outcrop constraints on observations in field-based ichnological studies

Shillito, A. P., Gougeon, R.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Quality and morphology of outcrop exposure places fundamental constraints on what ichnological observations can be made and the veracity of these observations. Whilst the limits and potential biases are well known and reported for core studies, in the majority of field studies the equivalent biases are typically overlooked. In this paper we present a widely applicable method for recording outcrop characteristics based on their morphology, and how these characteristics may affect observations. We consider the impacts of structural orientation, superficial cover, and outcrop location on outcrop quality. Finally, we present two case studies, from the Tumblagooda Sandstone of Western Australia and the Armorican Sandstone Formation of northwestern France, to highlight the importance of recording outcrop characteristics.

Viimati muudetud: 27.3.2024
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