Tagasi otsingusse
Gibert & Benner, 2002

The trace fossil Gyrochorte: ethology and paleoecology

Gibert, J. M., Benner. J. S.
AjakiriRevista Española de Paleontología
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Specimens of the trace fossil Gyrochorte from the Ordovician. Jurassic and Cretaceous of Utah, and the Pliocene of Spain are described. These occurrences expand the stratigraphic range of the ichnogenus. and allow for a re examination of this paleoenvironmentally sensitive and puzzling trace fossil. The recognition of the penetrative characteristic of the trace is essential for a correct identification, as some trace fossils have been erroneously ascribed to Gyrochorte in the past. The producer must have been a detritus-feeding worm-like animal, probably an annelid, that created a bilobed. vertically penetrating and sometimes plaited meandering trace. Gyrochorte typically occurs in sandy fades in moderately energetic nearshore and shallow marine paleoenvironments in association with other trace fossils, usually pascichnia and fodinichnia.

Viimati muudetud: 25.2.2024
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