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Marusin & Bykova, 2023

Preservation of Soft-Bodied Organisms in Early Cambrian Carbonates

Marusin, V., Bykova, N.
AjakiriRussian Geology and Geophysics
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Preservation of soft-bodied organisms as casts is common in the Ediacaran fossil record and extremely rare in Cambrian rocks. Among the factors, limiting fossilization of soft tissues, there is bioturbation–sediment disturbance by burrowing organisms. It is the emergence of burrowing metazoans and associated sediment bioturbation that is thought to be one of the major causes for the disappearance of Ediacaran soft-bodied organisms from the fossil record around ~540 Ma. Here, we study an assemblage of fossils preserved as casts in the Fortunian carbonates of the Olenek Uplift (northeastern Siberian Platform) in association with a typical Fortunian ichnoassemblage. The overall morphology and preservation of the fossils reveal that they comprise microbially induced sedimentary structures and soft-bodied holdfasts. The latter are vaguely reminiscent of some Ediacaran holdfasts, though it is unlikely that they include their phylogenetic descendants. Three-dimensional preservation of the studied fossils was caused by authigenic crystallization of calcite and its further early-diagenetic dolomitization. Our study confirms the critical importance of specific environmental conditions ensuring preservation of soft-bodied organisms as three-dimensional molds and casts. This unique interplay of environmental factors became rare in the Cambrian Period, which was caused by intensification and expansion of bioturbation in marine basins.

Viimati muudetud: 13.11.2023
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