Tagasi otsingusse
Minter et al., 2012b

Lithographus, an Abundant Arthropod Trackway from the Cretaceous Haenam Tracksite of Korea

Minter, N. J., Lockley, M. G., Huh, M., Hwang, K., Kim, J. Y.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Trackways ascribed to Lithographus hieroglypichus and attributed to pterygote insects are described from the Cretaceous Uhangri Formation of Korea. The locality is part of the Haenam Tracksite at the Uhangri Dinosaur Museum Complex, which is famous for dinosaur, pterosaur and bird tracks. This represents the first report of the arthropod trackway Lithographus from the Cretaceous of Korea. The trackways are preserved in cherty mudstones that formed in the margins of an alkaline lake in the vicinity of active volcanoes. Numerous trackways are preserved at a single horizon. This probably reflects a brief period of exposure of balanced-fill lake margin sediments, which provided a window of opportunity for the production and preservation of trackways of insects that inhabited the region rather than a sudden influx of insects into the area related to volcanism and a productivity bloom.

Viimati muudetud: 4.7.2023
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