Tagasi otsingusse
Knaust, 2023

Ichnological evidence of marine incursions in the lacustrine–palustrine Bembridge Limestone Formation (Eocene), Isle of Wight, southern England

Knaust, D.
AjakiriProceedings of the Geologists Association
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Trace fossils are described from the Eocene Bembridge Limestone Formation from the Isle of Wight and used to constrain the paleoenvironmental interpretation. The lacustrine–palustrine succession contains three limestone beds, which are separated by clay and marl. The middle and upper limestone beds reveal complex burrow systems developed at their top. Based on their characteristics, these burrow systems are assigned to the ichnotaxon Balanoglossites triadicus Mägdefrau, which is associated with the shallow superficial grooves Sulcolithos variabilis Knaust. B. triadicus is a common marine trace fossil mainly known from shallow-marine carbonate successions throughout the Phanerozoic. It is accompanied by other marine ichnotaxa such as Arachnostega gastrochaenae Bertling, Gastrochaenolites isp. aff. G. ornatus Kelly and Bromley, Spongeliomorpha iberica Saporta and Thalassinoides suevicus (Rieth). This ichnological evidence confirms the occurrence of short-term marginal-marine incursions in a predominantly lacustrine to palustrine environment.

Viimati muudetud: 13.11.2023
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