Tagasi otsingusse
Owen & Bruton, 1980

Late Caradoc-early Ashgill trilobites of the central Oslo Region, Norway

Owen, A. W., Bruton, D. L.
AjakiriPaleontological Contributions from the University of Oslo
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


38 trilobite species belonging to 31 genera are described from the late Caradoc - early Ashgill Upper Chasmops Limestone and Solvang Formation in Oslo-Asker, Ringerike, and Hadeland. The following species are new: Mesotaphraspis bockeliei, Dionide magnifica, and Staurocephalus pilafrons. A lectotype is chosen for Ampyxella aculeata (Angelin) and Angelin's original specimens of Lichas sexspinus, a synonym of Platylichas laxatus (McCoy), are refigured. The Swedish species Stenopareia avus (Holm, 1886) is considered a junior subjective synonym of S. gaber (Kjerulf, 1865) and original material of both is figured along with Swedish material of S. linnarssoni (Holm), S. oviformis (Warburg), and Illaenus ( Parillaenus) roemeri Volborth.

Viimati muudetud: 19.2.2023
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