Tagasi otsingusse
Parihar et al., 2021

Lockeia: The Bivalves Resting Trace Fossils from Early Jurassic to Bajocian Thaiat Member of Lathi Formation of the Jaisalmer Basin, Western Rajasthan, India

Parihar, V. S., Meghwal, V. K., Singh, A., Nama, S. L.
AjakiriCurrent Science
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


This study focuses on the descriptions of well -preserved numerous Lockeia traces of Bivalves from the Early Jurassic to Bajocian Thaiat Member of Lathi Formation, Jaisalmer Basin, Western Rajasthan, India. Here the both ichnospecies Lockeia siliquaria and Lockeia cunctator have been recorded from the yellowish brown fine grained rippled calcareous silty sandstone in Thaiat Section. The L. siliquaria trace fossils are small, elongated almond-shaped and oval-shaped oblong bodies structures with smooth surfaces occurred as positive hyporelief with more or less tapering at both ends. The L. cunctator trace fossils are small, almond-shaped oblong bodies with smooth surface structures, occurred as positive hyporelief with linear and club-shaped arrangement. The ichnotaxon L. siliquaria represents those places where the bivalve stopped temporally for feeding whereas the L. cunctator are interpreted as locomotion traces with a resting or probing component of bivalves. Based on Lockeia trace fossil assemblages with associated fauna and trace fossils, author’s suggests the shallow-marine environment for the upper part of the Thaiat Member of Lathi Formation.

Viimati muudetud: 15.12.2022
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