Tagasi otsingusse
Donovan et al., 2019c

Preservation of a heavily bored belemnite rostrum from the upper Maastrichtian of north-east Belgium

Donovan, S. K., Jagt, J. W., Deckers, M. J., Laffineur, J.
DOI10.1016/j.pgeola.2018.10.007 0016-7878
AjakiriProceedings of the Geologists Association
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The robust calcite rostra (or guards) of belemnites were attractive substrates for some boring organisms in the Mesozoic. The rostra of belemnitellid coleoids are common at certain levels within the Gulpen and Maastricht formations of the extended type area of the Maastrichtian Stage (Upper Cretaceous) in the south-east Netherlands and north-east Belgium. A range of episkeletozoans have been reported from these substrates hitherto. A new specimen preserved as a natural mould in flint from the province of Liège, north-east Belgium, is distinctive, preserving a dense three-dimensional infestation of long, slender, unbranched and unsculptured borings of constant diameter, Trypanites? isp. These may be the spoor of polychaetes. Variations in diameter between borings suggests that the traces in this specimen may represent four separate infestations.

Viimati muudetud: 28.11.2022
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