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Bukejs et al., 2019

<strong>Waidelotinae, a new subfamily of Pyrochroidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) from Baltic amber of the Sambian peninsula and the interpretation of Sambian amber stratigraphy, age and location

Bukejs, A., Alekseev, V. I., Pollock, D. A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Waidelotus hoffeinsorum gen. et sp. nov. is described from Eocene Baltic amber and assigned to Waidelotinae subfam. nov. within family Pyrochroidae (Coleoptera). The new subfamily differs from the other subfamilies by the following combination of features: penultimate tarsomere of all tarsi deeply bilobed, antepenultimate tarsomere of each pro- and mesothoracic tarsus slightly bilobed, antepenultimate tarsomere of metathoracic tarsi slightly widened apically; pronotum laterally margined in basal half; eyes emarginate; pretarsal claws appendiculate; prosternal intercoxal process incompletely separating prothoracic coxae; pronotum with fine posterior submarginal groove; head without distinct constriction behind eyes; posterior pronotal pits absent; and elytral pubescence homogenous. It is the only authentic species of Pyrochroidae (Coleoptera) from Baltic amber, pending final placement of Palaeopyrochroa crowsoni Abdullah, 1965. Additionally, the available data on stratigraphy of amber-bearing strata on the Sambian peninsula, and the age and location of Eocene amberiferous forests are discussed. A middle Eocene (mostly Bartonian) age is interpreted for the extinct Central European resin-producing forests resulting in the Sambian amber deposits.

Viimati muudetud: 7.10.2022
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