Tagasi otsingusse
Martinsson, 1956b

Neue Funde kambrischer Gänge und ordovizischer Geschiebe im südwestlichen Finnland

Martinsson, A.
AjakiriThe Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of Uppsala
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
Joonised2 fototahvlit


In addition to the Cambrian sandstone dikes and Ordovician limestene boulders treated by the author in an earlier paper (MARTINSSON 1955) some supplementary finds from the archipelago of south-western Finland are published, among them new !ocalities with the characteristic dolomitized (D3?) pelmatozoan boulders of the Tvärminne area. The poor fossil content of the Iimestones and some observations on glacial erosion marks are briefly discussed, and finall y a survey of our knowledge of the Cambro-Silurian in south-western Finland is given. The reader is also referred to the explanations of the illustrations in English.


Viimati muudetud: 25.2.2023
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