Tagasi otsingusse
Schwarzhans et al., 2021

A tale from the middle Paleocene of Denmark: A tube-dwelling predator documented by the ichnofossil Lepidenteron mortenseni n. isp. and its predominant prey, Bobbitichthys n. gen. rosenkrantzi (Macroridae, Teleostei)

Schwarzhans, W., Milàn, J., Carnevale, G.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The ichnofossil Lepidenteron provides a unique taphonomic window into the life habits of a tube-dwelling predator, probably an eunicid polychaete, and its fish prey. Here we describe a new tube-like ichnofossil Lepidenteron mortenseni n. isp. from the Kerteminde Marl (100–150 m palaeo-water depth) from the Gundstrup gravel pit near Odense, Fyn, Denmark. 110 individual tubes were examined which contain fish remains, including a variety of disarticulated bones and otoliths, by far dominated by a single gadiform taxon referred herein to as Bobbitichthys n. gen. The isolated otoliths here associated with disarticulated gadiform bones have previously been described, from the time equivalent Lellinge Greensand exposed in the Copen-hagen area, as Hymenocephalus rosenkrantzi, a grenadier fish (family Macrouridae). The abundance of associated bones and otoliths in the examined tubes allowed us to reconstruct part of the cranial configuration of Bobbitichthys rosenkrantzi and to tentatively interpret it as a stem macrourid. Bobbitichthys rosenkrantzi represents the earliest grenadier known in the fossil record. Additional, although considerably less abundant, skeletal remains and otoliths have been tentatively referred to a long-fin bonefish (family Pterothrissidae, Pterothrissus? conchaeformis), a viviparous brotula (family Bythitidae, Bidenichthys? lapierrei), a conger eel (family Congridae, possibly belonging to Rhynchoconger angulosus), and another unidentified gadiform.

Viimati muudetud: 24.8.2023
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