Tagasi otsingusse
Milàn et al., 2020

Small ornithopod dinosaur tracks and crocodilian remains from the Middle Jurassic Bagå Formation, Bornholm, Denmark: Important additions to the rare Middle Jurassic vertebrate faunas of Northern Europe

Milàn, J., Falkingham, P. L., Mueller-Töwe, I. J.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Two new small tridactyl dinosaur tracks are found in the Middle Jurassic Bagå Formation of Bornholm and are interpreted as ornithopodian in origin. A skeletal fragment is identified as a crocodilian skull fragment. Previous finds of dinosaur tracks from the locality consist of two sizes of sauropods, a medium sized theropod and thyreophorans.
The addition of tracks from ornithopod dinosaurs and skeletal evidence of crocodilians now give a broader picture of a diverse Middle Jurassic vertebrate fauna. This is an important addition to the understanding of the terres-trial Mesozoic ecosystem of Denmark, and a valuable addition to the scarce Middle Jurassic vertebrate record of Europ

Viimati muudetud: 24.9.2022
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