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Santos & Mayoral, 2009

Paleoacantilados y bioerosión: dos ejemplos en el Neógeno Superior de la Cordillera Bética

Santos, A., Mayoral, E. J.
AjakiriRevista de la Sociedad Geológica de España
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In the last past years, there was a growing scientific interest in rocky palaeoshores sincetheir study provides an invaluable insight into these particular environments, not only on a geologicor/and geomorphologic strictly point of view, but also from a palaeontologic, sedimentologic andpalaeoenvironmental perspective.Two southern Spanish Neogene rocky shores, La Resinera (Fornes) and Arroyo de la Miel (Maro)outcrops, have been analysed and their bioerosion structures have been identified (twelve ichnospeciesbelonging to five ichnogenera). The bioerosion producers belonging to many different groups likeclionaid sponges (producers of Entobia ichnogenera), polychaete annelids (producers of Caulostrepsis and Maendropolydora), endolithic bivalves (Gastrochaenolites) and echinoids (Circolites). The two ichnoassociations present in both sectors correspond to the Entobia ichnofacies.These bioerosive episodes in the continental substrates studied allowed to detect the presence of ashallow marine environment and to establish past shoreline positions, which reconstruction would bedifficult to address without a palaeoichnologic study.

Viimati muudetud: 22.9.2022
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