Tagasi otsingusse
Bergström et al., 2003

The Asaphus raniceps problem in the Ordovician of Sweden

Bergström, J., Zhi-Qiang, Z., Zhi-Yi, Z., Wen-Wei, Y.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Kuulub kogumikkuHarper & Stouge, 2003 (eds)
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


It has been repeatedly stated that the lower Llanvirn Asaphus raniceps described by Dalman in 1827 and by Angelin in 1854 may represent two different species. This has forced us to live with the concepts of both A. raniceps Dalman and A. 'raniceps' sensu Angelin, and with a zone of A. 'raniceps' where A. raniceps is supposedly not present. However, new considerations based on large old and new collections have led to the firm conclusion that Angelin was correct in his identification of Dalman's species. What has been regarded recently as the true Asaphus raniceps, at least by Tjernvik & Johansson in 1980 and by Nielsen in 1995, is instead identical with another generally misidentified species, Asaphus fallax Angelin 1854.

Viimati muudetud: 24.9.2022
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