Tagasi otsingusse
Hoel, 2011

Strophomenidae, Leptostrophiidae, Strophodontidae and Shaleriidae (Brachiopoda, Strophomenida) from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden

Hoel, O. A.
AjakiriPaläontologische Zeitschrift
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Twelve species of Brachiopods are described from the Silurian of Gotland, six furcitellinines and six “strophodontids.” One is new—Strophodonta hoburgensis n. sp. The furcitellinines are moderately common and diverse in the lower part of the succession, but the last species disappears in the middle Hemse beds (~middle Ludlow). Three genera are represented: Bellimurina, Pentlandina and Katastrophomena, with the species and subspecies B. wisgoriensis, P. tartana, P. loveni, P. lewisii lewisii, K. penkillensis and K. antiquata scabrosa. Most of the taxa are confined to low energy environments, but P. loveni was evidently specialized for the high energy reef environments of the Högklint Formation. B. wisgoriensis displays environmentally induced morphological variability in developing strong, frilly growth lamellae in high-energy environments. The “strophodontids,” although belonging to three different families, share a common morphology consisting of denticles along the hinge line, a semi-circular outline, unequally to finely costellate ornament and, most importantly, a concavo-convex profile with both valves of the same curvature, enclosing a very small body chamber. Two leptostrophiids are generalists, occurring in both high- and low-energy environments and with long stratigraphical ranges [Mesoleptostrophia filosa; latest Llandovery through the entire Ludlow. Brachyprion (Brachyprion) semiglobosa; latest Llandovery to latest Wenlock]. The third leptostrophiid (Brachyprion (Erinostrophia) walmstedti) is short ranged and occurs in low-energy environments in the latest Llandovery. The species belonging to the Strophodontidae (Strophodonta hoburgensis n. sp.) and Shaleriidae [Shaleria (Janiomya) ornatella and S. (Shaleriella) ezerensis] occur only in high-energy environments and have a short range within the late Ludlow.

Viimati muudetud: 1.2.2020
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