Tagasi otsingusse
Bergström, J., 1968a

Upper Ordovician brachiopods from Västergötland, Sweden

Bergström, J.
AjakiriGeologica et Palaeontologica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The present paper deals with brachiopods occurring in the Dalmanitina Beds (Uppermost Ordovician) of Västergötland, south-central Sweden. The Dalmanitina Beds consist of a relatively thin sequence (0.9 to 4. 7 m) of light-coloured siltstone and calcarenite. The fauna consists mainly of brachiopods hut there are also trilobites, bryozoans etc. Brachiopod affinities are mainly with the Hirnantia fauna of Bohemia, Britain, Poland and north Sweden (Jämtland) with at !east 9, 6, 5 and 5, species respectively shared. The following species are figured for the first time: Orbiculoidea concentrica (Wahlenberg, 1821 ), Giratdiella bella n. sp., Valmanella pectinoides n. sp., Horderleyella fragilis n. sp., Drabovia westrogothica n. sp., Aphanomena schmalenseei n. gen. et n. sp., Titanomena grandis n. gen. et n. sp., and Coolinia dalmani n. sp. A new genus, Kinnella, ist erected to embrace Hirnantia? kielanae Temple, 1965. A new subfamily, Plectothyrellinae, is erected with the rhynchonellaceid genus Plectothyrella Temple, 1965, as type genus. Lectotypes are selected ·and figured for Orbiculoidea concentrica (Wahlenberg, 1821) and Cliftonia psittacina (Wahlenberg, 1821). Three important species, Meristina? terebratulina (Wahlenberg, 1821), Hindella? cassidea (Dalman, 1828), and an undescribed rhynchonellaceid from Mt Kinnekulle, need further investigation and are not treated herein.

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