Tagasi otsingusse
Baliński et al., 2014

Probable advanced hydroid from the Early Ordovician of China

Baliński, A., Sun, Y., Dzik, J.
AjakiriPaläontologische Zeitschrift
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A fossil of a colonial organism with pyritized soft tissues of elongated fusiform zooids, found in the middle part of the early Floian Fenxiang Formation in Hubei Province of China, probably represents the oldest reliable record of a hydroid cnidarian. The preservation of the fossil is sufficiently different from that of associated carbonized skeletons of graptolites to exclude affinities with this group. The fossil is unlikely to be a bryozoan because of the mode of budding from proximal, not distal, parts of parent zooids, which is typical rather of hydroids. Although no thecae are preserved, the fossil, named Sinobryon elongatum gen. et sp. nov., is suggested to be a thecate hydroid, possibly related to the Haleciidae. The apparent presence of an advanced member of the thecaphoran Macrocolonia clade in strata 470 Ma old means that much of the hydroid (and cnidarian) diversification preceded the Middle Ordovician

Viimati muudetud: 3.2.2022
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