Tagasi otsingusse
Bartout & Koff, 2018 (eds)

Du glint baltique au lac Peïpous. À la découverte de l'environnement estonien

Bartout, P., Koff, T. (eds)
Pealkiri tõlgitudFrom Baltic Glint to Peipsi lake. Discovering Estonia's environment
AjakiriDynamiques Environnementales
Eesti autor


Estonia, a small mysterious country located on the north-eastern borders of Europe, as large as the former French region named Midi-Pyrénées, is a stranger to its Scandinavian, Russian or Baltic neighbours even though it has been a member of the European Union for two decades. And yet, it deserves better than this relative ignorance. Despite periods of foreign domination, the last one of which was a Soviet one, the Estonian people still makes a deep impression and has been able to chart its own course far from the traditional sightseeing tours. Its very low population density has allowed it to preserve ancestral customs and natural spaces. The Estonian environment prides itself of having one of the largest lakes in Europe (Lake Peipus), remarkable geomorphic curiosities (meteorite crater of Saaremaa, Baltic Glint) and an exceptionally well-preserved language, different from all European roots. We invite you, through the environmental prism, to discover or rediscover this special state where natures and cultures interlock in harmony, offering geographers a wide range of environments and therefore geographic subjects to study.

Viimati muudetud: 28.4.2022
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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