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Vinn et al., 2021e

The endobiontic serpulids in corals and other reef associated fauna from the Messinian of Algeria

Vinn, O., Nadir Naimi, M., Cherif, A.
AjakiriNeues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen
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The coral associates in the Messinian reefs of Algeria include both epi- and endobionts. The epibionts were represented by serpulid worms and vermetid gastropods. Endobionts included serpulids, bivalves and boring sponges (Entobia). Endobotic serpulids presumably inhabited living corals and represent the first record of serpulid-coral symbiosis from the Miocene of Algeria. The orientation of serpulids in corals is similar to the life position of Spirobranchus corniuculatus in the skeleton of modern Porites lutea at coral reefs in Okinawa. The fauna of reef coral associates was similar to the modern tropical reefs in the Messinian of Algeria.

Viimati muudetud: 6.1.2022
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