Tagasi otsingusse
Zatoń & Olempska, 2017

A family-level classification of the Order Microconchida (Class Tentaculita) and the description of two new microconchid genera

Zatoń, M., Olempska, E.
AjakiriHistorical Biology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A family-level classification of microconchid tubeworms (Order Microconchida, Class Tentaculita) is proposed here for the first time. Based on distinct tube microstructure and/or tube ontogeny, the following families are defined: Palaeoconchidae (tubes having microlamellar structure deflected by pseudopunctae), Microconchidae (tubes having microlamellar structure deflected by punctae that are manifested on the tube exterior as distinct pores), Helicoconchidae (tubes showing lateral budding and binary fission budding), and Punctaconchidae (tubes having microlamellar structure deflected by large punctae manifested on the tube exterior by large, distinct pores). This classification is necessary because it enables us to place specific genera within particular families based on shared unique external and internal features. This family-level classification also helps distinguish morphologically convergent forms and allows for potential recognition of phyletic relationship among different genera and species. Additionally, two new genera (Tuberoconchus and Spinuliconchus), as well as one new species (Spinuliconchus biernatae) from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland are erected.

Viimati muudetud: 18.8.2021
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