Tagasi otsingusse
Izumi & Uchman, 2015

Comment on “Occurrence of faecal pellet-filled simple and composite burrows in cold seep carbonates: A glimpse of a complex benthic ecosystem” by A. Mazumdar, R.K. Joshi and M. Kocherla

Izumi, K., Uchman, A.
AjakiriMarine Biology Research
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The pellet-filled burrows described in Mazumdar et al. (2011) were originally not unequivocally ascribed to a specific ichnotaxon. In fact, these burrows match the diagnosis of the ichnogenus Phymatoderma, most likely Phymatoderma cf. melvillensis. There is the general similarity in overall shape such as branching pattern, as well as in detailed characteristics such as locally present meniscate fill structure. Furthermore, morphometrical parameters and general depositional setting are basically similar between the pellet-filled burrows and  P. melvillensis. Based on the refined ichnotaxonomy, ethological interpretation by Mazumdar et al. (2011), especially about how the pellets were stuffed within the burrows, is refined.

Viimati muudetud: 3.3.2022
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