Tagasi otsingusse
Poulsen, 1967

Fossils from the Lower Cambrian of Bornholm

Poulsen, V.
AjakiriDet Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A Lower Cambrian fauna from Bornholm consisting of 34 species is described. The oldest of the Lower Cambrian rocks, the Balka quartzite, contains trace fossils referable to Diplocraterion, Tigillites, and Skolithos, and in addition to these some worm remains comparable to Byronia MATTHEW. After a hiatus follows siltstone („Green shales” of several authors) and Bispebjerg sandstone which represent one single cycle of sedimentation. The siltstone contains a rich fauna which is essentially endemic. Two new genera and seventeen new species are established. The Lower Cambrian age of the siltstone appears clearly from the occurrence of Fordilla troyensis WALCOTT and Hyolilhellus micans BILLINGS. The Bispebjerg sandstone has only yielded a fragment of Hyolithellus micans and a single specimen of the trace fossil Cruziana dispar LINNARSSON. The conditions of sedimentation and the stratigraphical position of the Bornholm Lower Cambrian are disscussed.

Viimati muudetud: 20.6.2023
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