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Archer & Maples, 1984

Trace-fossil distribution across a marine-to-nonmarine gradient in the Pennsylvanian of southwestern Indiana

Archer, A. W., Maples, C. G.
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Facies representing eight deltaic environments are recognized in the Mansfield Formation (Pennsylvanian: Morrowan) and Dugger Formation (Pennsylvanian: Desmoinesian) of Indiana. These facies are interpreted as A) lower interdistributary bay, B) middle interdistributary bay, C) upper interdistributary bay, D) tidal flat, E) distributary-mouth bar, F) crevasse splay, G) active channel fill, and H) floodplain and lacustrine. Despite some overlap, each facies is characterized by a specific assemblage and diversity of trace fossils. Although certain burrows (e.g., Chondrites type C and Palaeophycus sp.) occur in several facies, over 70% of the ichnogenera are restricted to a single facies. Trace-fossil taxonomic diversity decreases from a maximum in environments dominated by marine conditions (A, B) to a minimum in transitional environments of mixed marine and freshwater conditions (C-E) and increases again in freshwater environments (F-H). Under specialized preservational circumstances, a diverse assemblage of freshwater traces can be preserved. Thus it is apparent that high trace-fossil diversity in Pennsylvanian deposits cannot always be assumed to indicate marine conditions.

Viimati muudetud: 19.7.2022
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