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Hansen & Harper, 2003

Brachiopod macrofaunal distribution through the upper Volkhov – lower Kunda (Lower Ordovician) rocks, Lynna River, St. Petersburg region

Hansen, J., Harper, D. A. T.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Kuulub kogumikkuHarper & Stouge, 2003 (eds)
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The ranges of 27 brachiopod species, through the upper Volkhov-lower Kunda interval of the Lynna River section, are presented on the basis of over 17,500 specimens. Three depth-related ecological associations are recognized within the succession of alternating limestones and marls forming part of an array of nearshore to mid-shelf communities in an intracratonic setting. Faunal diversity is relatively stable throughout the section with little evidence for abrupt local extinctions or originations. The dominant orthoid and clitambonitoid asse

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