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Cadée et al., 2001

Burrows of Paragnathia (Crustacea: Isopoda) andbledius (Arthropoda: Staphylinidae) Enhance cliff erosion

Cadée, G. C., Checa, A. G., Rodriguez‐Tovar, F. J.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In coastal cliffs consisting of Pliocene fine‐grained clastic sediments at El Rompido, Huelva, Spain we discovered around the high water line an extensive zone of about 1.5 m in height burrows that were made by up to 4 mm long isopods Paragnathia formica (Hesse) and small 5 mm long staphylinid beetles (Bledius cf. corniger Rosenhauer). The burrowing zone was crowded with irregular burrows 2–5 mm in diameter and extended some 5 cm deep in the cliff. The base of the cliff showed a clear (bio)erosional notch due to this burrowing activity, comparable to those produced by marine boring and scraping organisms in, for example, calcareous rocks. This indicates that the activity of Paragnathia and Bledius helps in eroding the cliffs, a phenomenon not published earlier as far as we know. A comparable but less extensive burrowed zone was found farther upstream near Cartaya. Their presence around the high tide zone also might prove these burrows to be good markers of former high tide lines in older cliffs.

Viimati muudetud: 25.2.2022
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