Tagasi otsingusse
Rogov et al., 2020

Database of global glendonite and ikaite records throughout the Phanerozoic

Rogov, M., Ershova, V., Vereshchagin, O., Vasileva, K., Mikhailova, K., Krylov, A.
KirjastusCopernicus GmbH
AjakiriEarth System Science Data
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Here database of Phanerozoic occurrences and isotopic characteristics of metastable cold-water calcium carbonate hexahydrate (ikaite; CaCO3·6H2O) and its pseudomorphs (glendonites) is represented. Its current version includes 690 records ranged from Cambrian to recent, which based on 323 references, the authors’ data and additional personal communications from the colleagues. Database is provided as Excel2003 (.xls)- file, which consists from 5 sheets. The major sheet ‘Glendonites and latitudes’ includes a list of localities along with latitude / longitude, geologic age (in Ma and substage), palaeolatitude, references, environments and host rock for all records. Three sheets, entitled “Cenozoic glendonite and ikaite”, “Mesozoic glendonite” and “Paleozoic glendonite” includes data concerning carbon and oxygen stable isotope values of, respectively, Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Paleozoic samples. The last sheet “References” contains list of references in APA style, accompanied by DOI numbers and hyperlinks to electronic versions (if available).


Updated versions of this dataset will be available at http://jurassic.ru/_pdf/glendonites_database.xls An article with description of this database submitted to publication in Earth System Science Data
Viimati muudetud: 3.11.2021
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