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Schoenemann et al., 2017b

A Modern Visual System in the Compound Eye from the Base of the Lower Cambrian

Schoenemann, B., Pärnaste, H., Clarkson, E. N. K.
RaamatAbstracts: 6th International Conference on Trilobites and their Relatives, Tallinn, Estonia, 7-10 July 2017
KirjastusLibris Est OÜ
Kirjastuse kohtTallinn
Eesti autor


Until now, the fossil record has not been capable of revealing any details of the mechanisms of complex vision at the beginning of metazoan evolution. Here, we describe functional units, at a cellular level, of a compound eye from the base of the Cambrian, more than half a billion years old. Remains of early Cambrian arthropods showed the external lattices of enormous compound eyes, but not the internal structures or anything about how those compound eyes may have functioned. In a phosphatized trilobite eye from the lower Cambrian of the Baltic, we found lithified remnants of cellular systems, typical of a modern focal apposition eye, similar to those of a bee or dragonfly. This shows that sophisticated eyes already existed at the beginning of the fossil record of higher organisms, while the differences between the ancient system and the internal structures of a modern apposition compound eye open important insights into the evolution of vision.

Viimati muudetud: 9.10.2020
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