Tagasi otsingusse
Downie, 1982

Lower Cambrian acritarchs from Scotland, Norway, Greenland and Canada

Downie, C.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Assemblages of acritarchs are described from the Fucoid Beds of Skiag Bridge, Knockan Cliff and Skye in NW Scotland, and Holmia Shales of the Mjøsen area of Norway, the Bastion Formation of Ella Ø in East Greenland, the Lower Cambrian of the Burin Peninsula in Newfoundland and from the Gog Formation of the Rocky Mountains of Banff National Park, Alberta. These are shown to be correctable on the basis of acritarchs and with the Lower Cambrian successions of the Russian Platform. Twenty-one genera and fifty-three species of acritarchs and one tasmanitid are described. These include the new genera Skiagia and Volkovia, and thirteen new species, Acrum cylindiferum, Micrhystridium coniferum, M. ellaensis, M. ellipticum, M. flexispinosum, M. gogensis, M. minutum, M. ordensis, Multiplicisphaeridium ? waltoni, Skiagia brevispinosa, S. scottica, Revinotesta ordensis and Evittia irregulare. A number of recombinations have also been made.

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