Tagasi otsingusse
Bassett et al., 2002

Brachiopods: Cambrian-Tremadoc precursors to Ordovician radiation events

Bassett, M. G., Popov, L. E., Holmer, L. E.
RaamatPalaeobiogeography and Biodiversity Change: the Ordovician and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Radiations
Toimetaja(d)Crame, J. A., Owen, A. W.
KirjastusThe Geological Society
Kirjastuse kohtLondon
AjakiriGeological Society, London, Special Publications
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Brachiopod-dominated palaeocommunities incorporating a structure typical of faunal groups within the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna were already present in North and East Gondwana and associated terranes as early as the mid-Cambrian, confined exclusively to shallow marine, inshore environments. The late Cambrian and Tremadoc record of these faunas is incomplete, because of pronounced global sea-level lowstand and subsequent break-up and destruction of the Cambrian Gondwanan margin. It is likely, however, that those groups later forming the core of the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna evolved originally in shallow-water environments of low-latitude peri-Gondwana, and dispersed widely when favourable ecological conditions developed. Conspicuous sea-level rise through the early to mid-Arenig provided newly available habitats in the expanding epeiric seas, where the new faunas evolved and diversified by the mid-Ordovician, when rapid drift separated the early Palaeozoic continents. Relatively short-lived precursor and transitional brachiopod assemblages can be identified on most of the main palaeocontinents prior to the Ordovician radiation of the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna

Viimati muudetud: 11.9.2020
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