Tagasi otsingusse
Menert et al., 2016

Method for decomposition of the metallorganic matter of graptolite-argillite by microbial consortium

Menert, A., Kivisaar, M., Heinaru, A., Sipp Kulli, S., Maidre, T.
Eesti autor


The present invention belongs to the field of biotechnology, bioremediation and biohydrometallurgy. The invention describes a method for decomposition of organometallic matter contained in argillite ore by the use of microbial consortium, accompanied by bioleaching of metals and evolution of methane, and suitable environmental conditions and growth media for those processes. The biodegradation capability of microbial community isolated from argillite can be used to eliminate the adverse environmental impact of argillite and to produce useful products emerging in this process.

Viimati muudetud: 6.4.2020
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