Tagasi otsingusse
Raukas & Tavast, 2011

Monitoring and management of the coasts of Lake Peipsi, Eastern Europe

Raukas, A., Tavast, E.
AjakiriJournal of Coastal Conservation
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Lake Peipsi is of great economic significance, first of all, in terms of water transport, fishery and energy production. Its bottom deposits hold great reserves of curative mud and building materials, and its waters cool the huge kettles of the Baltic and Estonian Thermal Power Plants and drive the turbines of the Narva Hydropower Station. The beaches of the lake, especially in the northern and eastern parts, have a high recreational value. The lake is shared between Estonia and Russia. The sparsely distributed population is mainly engaged in fishery and agriculture. Long-term observations have shown that the water level in L. Peipsi fluctuates greatly. This complicates water transport, shore protection and recreational possibilities around the lake. Both, water erosion and hummocky ice have changed the coasts, but differently in every year. Due to the uneven glacioisostatic uplift of the lake basin the water masses are steadily retreating southward, which means that in the coming future erosion of the northern coast will diminish and large areas on the southern coast will be flooded. Sustainable development of L. Peipsi integrates social, economic, cultural and environmental concerns. Recommendations for the protection and management of the coastal zone are presented.

Viimati muudetud: 21.4.2021
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