Tagasi otsingusse
Zhang, M. et al., 2018

Upper Ordovician bryozoans from the Xiazhen Formation of Yushan, northeastern Jiangxi, East China

Zhang, M., Xia, F., Taylor, P. D., Liang, K., Ma, J.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The bryozoan fauna from the Xiazhen Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician) of northeast Jiangxi Province, southeast China is reported here.Seventeen species of bryozoans belonging to fifteen genera and four orders are identified: Homotrypa yushanensis, Homotrypa sp., Prasopora yushanensis, Trematopora sp., Monotrypella sp., Rhombotrypa sp., Orbignyella sp., Constellaria jiangxiensis, Constellaria sp., Stictopora nicholsoni, Trigonodictya parvula, Ptilodictya ensiformis, Stictoporella sp., Pseudopachydictya sp., Nematopora sp., Arthrostylidae sp. indet., and Chasmatoporidae sp. indet. Four of these genera have been reported previously but nine genera (Trematopora, Monotrypella, Rhombotrypa,Orbignyella, Trigonodictya, Ptilodictya, Stictoporella, Pseudopachydictya, and Nematopora), one rhabdomesine and one fenestrate are found forthe first time in the Late Ordovician strata of South China. Our palaeogeographical analysis suggests that the bryozoan association is typical forthe Katian, which is mostly widespread in Laurentia, Siberia, Baltica and Mediterranean, and displays palaeobiogeographical relationships to the Laurentia–Siberia Province.

Viimati muudetud: 29.9.2022
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