Tagasi otsingusse
Balakhonova et al., 2013

Geological commercial evaluation of ore existence of dictyonema shales and obolus sandstones of the Baltic sedimentary basin

Balakhonova, A. S., Vyalov, V. I., Nezhensky, I. A., Semenov, E. V., Mirhalevskaya, N. V.
Pealkiri originaalГеолого­-экономическая оценка металлоносности диктионемовых сланцев и оболовых песчаников Прибалтийского бассейна
AjakiriRegional geology and metallogeny
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Dictyonema shales and obolus sandstones (phosphorites) of Baltic sedimentary basin are promising geological-industrial type ores containing different concentration conditions meet the rare and scattered, rare earth, radioactive, non-ferrous, precious metals. The technique of a geological and economic estimation of their expected resources is offered and the potential cost of expected stocks is calculated.

Viimati muudetud: 30.3.2020
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