Tagasi otsingusse
Jiménez-Sánchez, 2009

The upper Katian (Ordovician) bryozoans from the Eastern Iberian Chain (NE Spain)

Jiménez-Sánchez, A.
AjakiriBulletin of Geosciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The upper Katian (Upper Ordovician) bryozoans from the Iberian Chains (NE Spain) are described. Twenty-three species are identified, five of them are new, seven were already identified in other paleocontinents and Mediterranean localities, four are provisionally referred to other known species, and seven are undetermined species. All of them belong to 22 genera assigned to 14 families, and to one incertae sedis genera. The five Stenolaemata orders (Cryptostomata, Cyclostomata, Cystoporata, Fenestrata and Trepostomata) are represented here, Trepostomata and Cryptostomata being the most abundant and diverse. The trepostome family Halloporidae is the one with the highest diversity, with 4 genera and 5 species described here. The five new species are the cryptostomes Pseudostictoporella iberiensis sp. nov., characterized by the presence of superior hemisepta in the autozooecia, and Prophyllodictya javierisp. nov., also characterized by the presence of superior hemisepta in the autozooecia and by its small exilazooecia; the cystoporate Ceramoporella inclinata sp. nov., whose main diagnostic character is the constant autozooecial inclination; and the trepostomates Dybowskites ernsti sp. nov., easily recognizable by its large autozooecial and mesozooecial apertures, as well as by its large acanthostyles and Trematopora acanthostylita sp. nov., mainly characterized by the absence of diaphragms in its mesozooecia and numerous, large acanthostyles

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