Tagasi otsingusse
Müller, 1983

Crustacea with preserved soft parts from the Upper Cambrian of Sweden

Müller, K. J.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Six monotypic new genera of small crustaceans with phosphatised integument are described from Upper Cambrian, mainly bituminous limestone of southern Sweden. These are Dala peilertae, Bredocaris admirabilis, Walossekia quinquespinosa, Rehbachiella kinnekullensis, Skara anulata and Oelandocaris oelandica. The well‐preserved details reveal a nauplius‐like organisation of the head region. At least in Bredocaris, Walossekia, and Rehbachiella the head tagma has only three to four specialised pairs of appendages; Skara and Oelandocaris have five pairs of headal limbs. The antennae and the mandibulae served for locomotion and for mastication. All species have a filter apparatus with a distinct filter groove and serially constructed appendages. Four of the six forms had developed a conspicuous median compound eye. Specialisation in the development of the limbs, etc., suggests that some of the forms were benthie, while others may have been epibcnthic and active swimmers.

Viimati muudetud: 15.3.2022
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