Tagasi otsingusse
Christensen, 1975

Upper Cretaceous belemnites from the Kristianstad area in Scania

Christensen, W. K.
AjakiriFossils and Strata
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Upper Cretaceous belemnites from the Kristianstad area (northeastern Scania, Sweden) are described and the variation of homogeneous samples is analysed using uni- and bivariate 'biometric methods. The stratigraphical occurrence of the belemnites is discussed and their geographical distribution commented upon. Fourteen species and subspecies are described which represent the following five genera: Actinocarnax Miller, Gonioteuthis Bayle, Belernnellocarnax Naidin, Belemnitella d'Orbigny, and Belemnella Nowak. These genera belong to the family Belemnitellidae Pavlov. One new subspecies is established, Gonioteuthis quadrata scaniensis, and a lectotype for Belernnellocarnax balsvikensis ( Brotzen, 1960) is d esignated. It is shown that the guard in species of the genera Belemnitella and Belemnella is prolonged ventrally along the ventral fissure in a tongue-like extension. 

Viimati muudetud: 9.2.2020
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