Tagasi otsingusse
Kristensen et al., 1985

The impact of polychaete (Nereis virens Sars) burrows on nitrification and nitrate reduction in estuarine sediments

Kristensen, E., Jensen, M. H., Andersen, T. K.
AjakiriJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The influence of Nereis virens Sars burrows on nitrification, denitrification and total nitrate reduction was assessed in poor (0.7% organic matter) and rich (2.0% organic matter) sediment from the estuary, Norsminde Fjord. The experiments were performed as assays of potential activity, since natural conditions proved impossible to simulate in the unpredictable burrow environment. The measurements were made in two microprofiles, extending 15 mm into the sediment from the surface and from the burrow wall lining. Both sediment types showed higher potential nitrification in the wall linings than in the surface sediment. This was positively correlated with the content of silt + clay particles and organic matter (i.e. the mucous lining of burrow walls). An elevated nitrate reduction activity was evident in the oxic layer of surface sediment. No such activity pattern was observed in the burrow walls. Denitrification accounted for 27–53 % of the total nitrate reduction. An empirical relationship between the ratio of predicted oxygen penetration into surface and wall sediment and the contribution of nereid burrows to bulk actual nitrification and nitrate reduction is presented. The burrow contribution to bulk nitrification was, in contrast to bulk nitrate reduction, very sensitive to variable oxygen penetrations. Thus, possible short-time changes in nitrate exchange across the wall lining will apparently be regulated by changes in nitrification activity rather than nitrate reduction activity.

Viimati muudetud: 16.11.2023
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